Revisiting YA Literature connected to 9/11
She really know has to curate a list!
We hope you will browse the links below. Let us know if there are other books we should add to the list.
Revisiting YA Literature connected to 9/11Over the years, Lesley Roessing has been a great friend to Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday. One of her many talents is creating book list on certain topic. She does this for teachers over and over again. Today, our Wednesday post falls of September 11, 2024. It is a perfect time to collect the three different posts that Lesley has written for us all in one place. She really know has to curate a list! We hope you will browse the links below. Let us know if there are other books we should add to the list. 15 Novels to Generate Important Conversations about the Gvents & Effects of Nine ElevenExamining the Events of Septmber 11th through Middle Grades & YA NovelsNovels, Memoirs, Graphics, and Picture Books to Commemorate September 11th by Lesley RoessingComments are closed.
Dr. Bickmore is a Professor of English Education at UNLV. He is a scholar of Young Adult Literature and past editor of The ALAN Review and a past president of ALAN. He is a available for speaking engagements at schools, conferences, book festivals, and parent organizations. More information can be found on the Contact page and the About page.
Dr. Gretchen Rumohr
Co-Curator Gretchen Rumohr is a professor of English and writing program administrator at Aquinas College, where she teaches writing and language arts methods. She is also a Co-Director of the UNLV Summit on the Research and Teaching of Young Adult Literature. She lives with her four girls and a five-pound Yorkshire Terrier in west Michigan.