Weekend Pick for May 12, 2023
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As an elementary school librarian, I naturally adore ALL things Dan Santat. I've had the privilege of meeting him and listening to him speak several times at literary events. Everything he creates is a love letter in some from to the people in his life. How can you not love him?
His latest graphic novel memoir, a first time for everything, is a love letter to his past self as he enters the summer before beginning high school. You remember this time in your life, right? It is a beautiful, romantic story of starting your journey through high school and beginning young adulthood. It's about second chances, starting over and learning to love yourself for all your faults.
It's set in the 90's, so "historical fiction" I suppose. (I can't believe I just wrote that, I'm a 90's kid too.) He travels to Europe with a group of students from all over the US. They set out on their adventures with disposable cameras (remember those?). However, Dan's, in true fashion, malfunctions and he has to sketch his way through Europe. He does an amazing job of maintaining his artistic style throughout the memoir, while giving us some visually stunning architectural drawings of landmarks from around his travels in Europe.
I know you are thinking, Nikki, this is a middle grade title, and you are supposed to be suggesting YA titles. Hear me out...ever since the COVID shutdown, kids/teens/students (really all of us) are a little behind socially. I think this book is perfect for everyone. A little bit of underage drinking, a very awkward first kiss, a ton of embarrassing funny moments, and a lot of grace. This is a heartfelt story that all tweens/teens (and older, you know us 90's kids at heart) will love.
Happy reading!
Nikki ❤
His latest graphic novel memoir, a first time for everything, is a love letter to his past self as he enters the summer before beginning high school. You remember this time in your life, right? It is a beautiful, romantic story of starting your journey through high school and beginning young adulthood. It's about second chances, starting over and learning to love yourself for all your faults.
It's set in the 90's, so "historical fiction" I suppose. (I can't believe I just wrote that, I'm a 90's kid too.) He travels to Europe with a group of students from all over the US. They set out on their adventures with disposable cameras (remember those?). However, Dan's, in true fashion, malfunctions and he has to sketch his way through Europe. He does an amazing job of maintaining his artistic style throughout the memoir, while giving us some visually stunning architectural drawings of landmarks from around his travels in Europe.
I know you are thinking, Nikki, this is a middle grade title, and you are supposed to be suggesting YA titles. Hear me out...ever since the COVID shutdown, kids/teens/students (really all of us) are a little behind socially. I think this book is perfect for everyone. A little bit of underage drinking, a very awkward first kiss, a ton of embarrassing funny moments, and a lot of grace. This is a heartfelt story that all tweens/teens (and older, you know us 90's kids at heart) will love.
Happy reading!
Nikki ❤