Weekend Pick for December 27, 2024
As the New 2025 Year's bells are ringing closer, I would like to say thank you to everyone who worked with me during the past three years on Weekend Picks. I couldn't do it without you. Your contributions to this blog are immense, and I greatly appreciate every single one of you. I hope you will continue to invest in reading and your students, so we can witness positive changes in our immediate and global worlds. Happy New Year, friends! Let it be kind, hopeful, and promising. Take care and stay well. Best wishes, Leilya |
The 2024 weekend Picks conclude with Lesley Roessing final suggestion. To remind, Lesley is a former middle school and high school ELA teacher, a K-8 charter school literary consultant, a Writing Project director and instructor of teacher education. Lesley shares recommendations and reviews of her reading on her website at https://www.literacywithlesley.com/book-reviews.html. She has written books on literacy for teachers and school librarian, such as Talking Tests: A Teachers’ Guide to Book Clubs across the Curriculum. |
The U.S. population is undergoing rapid racial and ethnic change. The multiracial population in the United States—those who identify with two or more races—is also increasing with the rise in interracial couples. The children of these interracial unions are forming a new generation that is much more likely to identify with multiple racial groups. By 2060, about 6 percent of the total population—and 11 percent of children under age 18—are projected to be multiracial. (Population Reference Bureau) Most of us have felt, from time to time, that we don’t fit in—with our peers, our communities, our families, even our own skins—for a variety of reasons. |
Boundless, edited by Ismee Amiel Williams and Rebecca Balcarcel, shares stories for those who have not felt “enough” for any reason. This is a book that invites some adolescents to see their lives and experiences reflected and invites others to experience the lives of their contemporaries.