So let’s remedy this situation for today’s students.

A Good Long Way by René Saldaña is set in South Texas along the Mexican border and shows us the lives of three teenagers: Beto, Roel, and Jessy. Beto runs away from home after a fight with his father about breaking his curfew, Roel is a smart kid caught between loyalty to his brother Beto and trying to be a good son and student, and Jessy wants to go to art school but first needs to survive day to day life with her parents whose toxic relationship should have ended years ago.
This book will appeal to reluctant readers because they will connect with the expertly crafted characters and situations. Saldaña does a great job of making us care about Beto, Roel, and Jessy. Teachers will love this book because it’s jam packed with all the literary elements they need to cover in class, and the book also provides plenty of opportunities to write about topics important to the reader. This book will not only appeal to reluctant readers because the beauty of the prose will also attract advanced students who will find find new layers of complexity with each new reading.

All three authors are dynamic speakers that love to visit schools. You can contact them via their websites which are linked to each of there photos below: