The Categories:
Distopia, Graphic Novel, Middle Grades, Fantasy, and Science Fiction
While using critical lenses is important, I also believe students should be exposed to the various genres in the this rich world of young adult literature. I read sporadically in all of these, but would not claim the expertise in these areas that I know some of my colleagues have. Rather than assign a text in each genre, I have selected ten in each as examples that the students can choose from. They are, of course, allowed to explore and select another text as well. The wonderful librarians in the Teacher Development & Resources Library are also compiling added resources for each category as an extension of the course resources. (Thanks Amanda and crew!)
This will be primarily a visual post. I don't want to make to many comments on the books. I want them to explore the reviews of the books on their own with deciding which one I might prefer over the others. Of course, feel free to add a comment about which book your might choose or recommend to others.
YA Dystopian Literature:
All images are links to reader's reviews and place to buy it.
Graphic Novels:
All images are link's to reader's reviews and a place to buy the book.
Middle Grade Books:
All images are links to reader's reviews and place to buy it.
YA Fantasy:
All images are links to reader's reviews and place to buy it.
YA Science Fiction:
All images are links to reader's reviews and place to buy it.
Thanks for following. I am interested in how many of you will approach teaching these genres. I would love emails or commentaries.
Until next week.
[email protected]