Which current events?
Our current news cycle can determine which events to explore. For appropriate, grade-level, nonfiction texts, Newsela proves to be a valuable, relevant, cross-curricular resource.
Moving from current events toward advocacy
Along with interest and engagement, the above texts can bring feelings of helplessness and apathy. Indeed, our goal is to not only help students know about what is happening in our world, but also help students form opinions and take action. The texts below can help students consider their work as well-informed, passionate agents of change.
The suggestions above are in no way comprehensive; you can easily find--and add suggestions to--a more complete list here. Overall, my hope is that quality YA nonfiction texts can help our students “read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently” (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10), but with an increased interest, newfound mastery of current events, and intense hunger for social change.
Gretchen Rumohr-Voskuil
Aquinas College
[email protected]